Yehuda Belsky Talks Binary Trading and the Road to Algorithmic Mastery

Binary trading has become exponentially more popular in the years since it first hit the internet. Also known as all-or-nothing options, digital options, or fixed return options (FROs), the sentiment is always the same; speculating on the value of a stock either rising or falling, and receiving a fixed monetary amount or nothing at all (respective to whether the prediction was correct or wrong).

One seasoned trader has been making a name for himself in recent years, thanks to his creation of a bespoke system which incorporates several fundamentally unique factors in an attempt to more consistently pre-empt the changing values of such stocks.

"Being able to help someone put their child through college, or retire somewhere nice, is so incredibly rewarding."

Yehuda Belsky

Yehuda Belsky, who became a citizen of the Greater New York Area longer than he'd care to admit, has been putting the system together in his spare time over the years while not working at his jobs within the financial industry. Why? Well, he wants to help people create the kind of future that they desire while continuing to improve his own portfolio.

"Being able to help someone put their child through college, or retire somewhere nice, is so incredibly rewarding," said Yehuda Belsky during a recent interview.

"I have worked in the world of trading for many years, and I have always found it far too exclusive. Hence, I have recently started to focus more on educating regular individuals who want to make trades to build up their own nest eggs."

So why make the switch to binary options trading? Well, it's complex. Yehuda Belsky admits that nothing is guaranteed in this world of high returns and sudden losses: "Binary options are incredibly popular with everyday individuals, but they are also hugely risky," he says. "You basically have a chance of either making money, or losing it all."

He goes on "I have specialized a number of strategies in order to make sure trading in binary options is as risk-free as it can be, although I must state that there is always a lot of insecurity with these elements."

However, he's been hard at work on his own "Blended Model" over the past decade, incorporating values such as the historical changes in an asset's worth, how other traders in the market are modifying their own techniques, using betting model strategies, and what's being discussed by the mainstream media.

Creating the system has been a challenge. In fact, Belsky now considers the two decades he has spent working in the industry to be invaluable in helping him to create a system which can account for so many important variables.

He has spent a great deal of time learning and growing since his first foray into the industry as a member of the American Stock Exchange in 1995. Since then he has been involved with a wide variety of products in various capacities, which has helped lead to the creation of this model. Belsky adds, "no one has ever created wealth without risk."

Press Contact: Eric Blankenship 786-332-6554

Source: Yehuda Belsky
