TLG Agents Look to Aaron Guetterman for Inspiration

Aaron Guetterman

The Leazer Group (TLG) was founded by Art Leazer as a leadership company. It is a company that offers a number of financial products to offer a way for people to enjoy their life and have financial security, while at the same time ensuring a personal touch. TLG recruits agents to offer the various financial products, and each agent is held to very high standards. Meanwhile, right from the start, the company has been nothing short of innovative, as they have always come up with ways to incorporate new technologies in the way they work. Agents must be 100% on board with these changes as well.

Each year, TLG hosts the Summer Leadership Conference. This year, it will take place on July 21 and 22, 2017, with the location being Raleigh, NC's Raleigh Convention Center. Aaron Guetterman, one of TLG's top agents, attended one of these conferences many years ago, describing it as a "life-altering experience." During these conferences, existing and prospective agents are encouraged to develop on a professional as well as a personal level. While the overall aim is to increase sales, attendees are coached and trained in terms of becoming managers and agents that embody the philosophy of TLG.

Over the years, Guetterman became not just an expert on the various insurance products TLG provides, but also on being a leader. Becoming a leader is expected of all agents in TLG, and each agent is encouraged to choose a mentor and inspiration. For Guetterman, this is TLG founder Art Leazer. For many others, their inspiration and mentor is Guetterman.

During the conference, Guetterman will play an integral part, showing others how to become change agents themselves. They will be able to become better salespeople through enhanced product knowledge, while at the same time receiving coaching from Guetterman and other top agents. Places, naturally, are limited for the coaching event, since TLG wants to give every attendee the personal attention that they deserve. That said, some tickets remain, including a number of VIP tickets.

VIP tickets for the Summer Leadership Conference provide people with access to five catered meals, culminating in a private dinner experience that Art Leazer and Aaron Guetterman will both attend, enabling attendees to directly ask questions. Just 100 VIP passes are available, with those who have VIP package membership taking priority on those tickets. Hence, only very few remain.

Nevertheless, general admission tickets are still readily available. Although no catering or private experience is included with these tickets, they are also highly beneficial. Anyone who is looking at becoming both a fantastic sales agent and a true change agent, while at the same time developing their leadership skills, should consider getting one of these tickets. During the event itself, key agents, such as Guetterman, will be imparting their knowledge during speeches and workshops.

It should be pointed out that when Guetterman first attended the Summer Leadership Conference, he did not have a VIP ticket. Still, he had a life-changing experience, just like many others. In the past, it was Art Leazer who was an inspiration for so many. Today, Guetterman seems to be taking over the reins. This is mainly due to the fact that he has the same attitude as Leazer — one that embodies brains, leadership, anxiety, empathy, wittiness, and boldness in a single package.

Guetterman heads a significant team of agents now, and he has encouraged each of his team members to attend this year's conference. He will be in attendance himself, aiming to find many more agents to add to not just his team, but the full TLG team, benefiting the organization as a whole. It is clear why he is such an inspiration — starting from such humble beginnings himself, but growing into one of the company's most respected agency managers. His original area of expertise was insurance, particularly with regards to mortgage protection. This continues to be his passion, but he has quickly developed into a true leader for the various financial products.

TLG agents can count on receiving full support from TLG as a whole, and from their direct manager in particular. Since Guetterman became agency manager, he has started to develop new training programs that better embody the overall work of his team. His goal is to ensure that everything his team does is innovative, so that they can achieve financial independence both for themselves and for their clients.

People are encouraged to contact TLG or Aaron Guetterman directly to get hold of tickets for the Summer Leadership Conference. Having the chance to listen to Guetterman in person is an opportunity not to be missed.

Source: Aaron Guetterman


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