Robert E. Alick Opens New Commercial Development

Robert Alick took over a restaurant group from his father several years ago, opening up various eateries in several locations across the state of Arizona. He has recently unveiled new plans to open yet another location. This particular location will be different, however, as it will offer not just a restaurant, but also a 25-room hotel and a conference venue. He has been able to secure funding for this and is currently in the finalization phase of his plan.

With said funding, he has been able to purchase a large building in Arizona. He has contacted local builders and contractors to remodel the building, which once served as a post office and city hall, into the hotel and restaurant. Work is underway and is expected to be completed within the next few months.

The commercial building will have 150 positions to fill, offering fantastic job opportunities to the local communities. It will also become one of the largest conference and banqueting venues in Arizona. Because of that and the lack of similar venues within the area, Alick has already been able to attract a lot of interest from local businesses who are looking forward to using the facility.

The new commercial development will measure some 35,000 square feet. Aside from the hotel, conference center, and restaurant, it will also house a Center of Excellence, where young people can train to become chefs focusing on Asian cuisine. In so doing, Alick will be ensuring that not only will several work opportunities become available, but that young member of the local community will also have the chance to build a successful career.

Alick's business focus was traditionally on restaurants, and this shines through in the plans for the new commercial development. It will host a new world food venue on the rooftop of the building. Here, guests will be able to enjoy traditional dishes from the Mediterranean, Mexico, Italy, China, and the Kashmir area.

The restaurant group itself has been in the Alick family for three generations. They currently have six restaurants in different locations across Arizona. They specialize in Asian cuisine and aim to ensure that each of the restaurant venues will offer dishes from the Kashmir region in India, as well as from at least three other countries.

The plans for the new development have been designed to make the community become the world's food capital of the state. Together with the Center of Excellence that it will contain, it will set the standard not just for Arizona, but perhaps even the rest of the country. Many partnerships are being formed in order to deliver this grand vision. Alick is working with various local contractors and builders, has identified local people to staff the kitchens, and is currently recruiting for the other 150 positions. Furthermore, he is working together with local educational establishments to encourage young people to enroll in the Center of Excellence.

Financial backing also seems to be plentiful. Alick has built a reputation for delivering a high return on investment and people are queuing up to provide funds. Everybody seems to want to have a stake in the new development, mainly because it ticks so many boxes. Alick has guaranteed that he will have a local focus whenever possible, which is what makes it so attractive.

At present, he is only looking to recruit from within the local community, both in terms of his 150 new members of staff, and in terms of the contractors he wants to work with to complete the renovation. Meanwhile, he will be working with local educational institutions, and he is identifying local suppliers for things such as bed and table linen, furniture, interior design, and so on.

Uniquely, the restaurant will only use locally sourced ingredients, as will the students at the Center of Excellence. This is a commitment that Alick has made across all of his restaurants, and one that has served him very well. By using only local produce, he is able to guarantee that the food is always fresh and of the highest possible quality. Furthermore, it ensures that he indirectly contributes further to the local economy.

The Center of Excellence will work closely with the restaurant, hotel, and conference center. They will give students the opportunity to learn and work at the same time, receiving comprehensive education on all the different elements involved with being in the hospitality industry. The conference center will also offer catering opportunities, which will be fully provided by the students.

Source: Robert E. Alick
