Robert Alick Set to Open New Financial Firm That Invests in Cryptocurrencies

Robert Alick is no stranger to the people of Seattle after becoming one of the youngest tech-entrepreneurs nationwide to implement Blockchain technologies. He spent two years working to create a decentralized free software for project management called ManageIt, which was recently acquired by a Fortune 500 company. Alick wasted little time to chalk up plans for his next venture which he plans to roll out in the coming days. Robert Alick has set off to open a new financial firm called ICryptoFund that seeks to provide ways to invest across different Blockchain powered cryptocurrencies for those who lack technical knowledge about them.

Cryptocurrencies have been the biggest trend of 2017 with Bitcoin growing over 200 percent from $1000 to over $3000 from the start of the new year. "It's fascinating to see how this financial technology has gained momentum. ICryptoFund allows anyone to invest directly in the ever growing virtual currencies by circumventing the regular process that requires extensive technical, and technological knowledge. Think of it as a mutual fund for cryptocurrencies."

It's fascinating to see how this financial technology has gained momentum. ICryptoFund allows anyone to invest directly in the ever-growing virtual currencies by circumventing the regular process that requires extensive technical, and technological knowledge. Think of it as a mutual fund for cryptocurrencies.

Robert Alick

Alick strongly believes in a future where decentralized cryptocurrencies have replaced the traditional fiat currencies in the banking and legal industries. "Cryptocurrencies are bigger than what the media has made them out to be. They're not a scheme to get rich overnight, but rather a revolution that aims to put an end to the enslavement of people through the debt of the modern day banking system. People have heard about Bitcoin, but they need to hear about other exciting projects and coins. For example, Ethereum provides a decentralized platform for a community of developers to build applications that can run without fraud, third-party interference and censorship. The projects being built on Ethereum have the potential to drive innovation at an unprecedented exponential rate, all while retaining the benefits that come with the lack of a centralized authority and instead focusing on the consensus of the larger community.

The rise of Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs has provided a technological way for developers to receive funding for their tech-startups without having to go through the rigmarole of the Venture Capital model. It has completely threatened the legacy IPOs. Just to put things in perspective, since the start of 2017, over $880 million has been raised through ICOs. Interesting projects such as decentralized VPNs, digital advertising exchanges, recruiting platforms have all come up through the blessing of cryptocurrencies and will help to make these fields more transparent and better for the society as a whole."

Alick explains that his financial firm provides on-demand technical training as well as a host of other features that make it as intriguing for day traders as it is for housewives who might have just stumbled across an article online about the world of cryptocurrencies. "We offer training of various kinds as our broader aim is to increase the awareness and adoption of cryptocurrencies. As the user base grows bigger, the digital currency becomes stronger and more stable. Our diverse offers and plans make it suitable for those who want to dabble in them for the short-term thrill, as well as those who might be looking to build wealth for the long term by diversifying their cryptocurrency portfolio. We also offer the ability to participate in ICOs with fiat currency, which currently no one on the market offers. In the grander scheme of things, we hope to become the most trusted name in the world for anything related to investing in cryptocurrencies."

The strong performance of cryptocurrencies has started to pique the interest of prominent Wall Street experts. Mr. Alick believes that Bitcoins will become a stronger asset than gold and that the price of one Bitcoin will skyrocket to over $10,000 in the foreseeable future. That has caused the excitement around Alick's ICryptoFund to be tantalizing to a wide range of people who are desperate to whet their appetite in this new fin-tech. Gilbert Leary is one of them, and his anticipation was apparent: "I cannot wait for ICryptoFund to be launched. I have both short-term and long-term financial goals, and I plan to utilize my keen interest and knowledge of cryptocurrencies to give myself the best chance to fulfill my dreams.

"There was a time when the risk averse expressed their fears about investing in mutual funds and stocks as well, but look how times have changed. Those who got in early made a killing. I plan to be an early adopter with cryptocurrencies and hedge my risks using ICryptoFund. I hope to get the kind of returns that the early stock market investors did, with cryptos now!” For those who want to learn more about cryptocurrencies and invest in this financial technology which seems to be future of the world, look no further than Alick's ICryptoFund.

Source: Robert E Alick
