HILDALE, Utah, July 17, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Phaze Concrete has announced that it continues to find ways to improve the construction industry of which it is a part of. This company had started small but even in those early years, it had already endeavored to help make improvements on the industry. They have achieved this by focusing on two specific elements. First of all, they guarantee the best and most professional service to their clients. Secondly, they are equally committed to their staff, offering them educational opportunities and more. In so doing, they have been able not just to grow tremendously as a company, but they have also contributed to the improvement of the whole industry.
Today, Phaze Concrete has already provided concrete placement for a range of projects, for buildings ranging from 10,000 square feet to 900,000 square feet in area. They always deliver their projects on time or even earlier, and sometimes even under budget. They expect a "can do" attitude from all their employees, for which the latter are amply rewarded. This commitment shines through in the successful completion of all of their projects, ranging from custom homes to hospitals, from airports to post offices, from hotels to parking garages, and from distribution centers to large box office stores.
Their unwavering commitment to improving their own standards and that of the industry as a whole has turned them into one of the most efficient companies in the country. All employees are trained to become team members, committed to guaranteeing each other's safety, while at the same time ensuring that the working atmosphere is pleasant yet professional. Phaze Concrete has a 0.72 percent EMOD (Experience Modification) rating, which demonstrates their commitment to their employees' safety.
Also as part of their contribution to the improvement of the industry, they want to make sure that workers are as professional as possible. This is why, last year, the company was one of those who cooperated with the U.S. Department of Labor's Department of Apprenticeships. Together, they created a unique worker education program and this has proven to be incredibly successful. Through this apprenticeship program, young people are able to receive on the job training, in addition to classroom instruction. There is strong government support for such programs as evidenced by U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta discussing their importance when he recently attended the G-20 Labor and Employment Ministers' Meeting. Furthermore, even the White House Office of American Innovation has given its support by working on increasing the number of available apprenticeships, particularly in high growth areas, such as the construction industry.
Across the country, some 37,000 different apprenticeship programs now exist, but the Phaze Concrete model is quickly proving to be one of the popular ones. They treat their apprentices as they do their employees, which means they are 100 percent committed to making sure they receive the highest quality education. Currently, 26 mason apprentices are completing their Phaze Concrete apprenticeship, and these positions are open to anyone.
The company believes in mutual respect and commitment. As such, they offer every employee, full, relevant, and up to date training. This is part of the company's core value of "doing the right thing." Phaze Concrete will always go the extra mile, for both customers and members of its staff. They make sure that employees are always up to date with regard to new developments in the industry so that their work will always be of the highest possible quality.
Another training program that was developed by Phaze Concrete is the GED Readiness Program, which prepares apprentices and employees, including their family members, for taking the GED test. It can be seen here that working for Phaze Concrete is like being part of a family, rather than simply going there to earn a paycheck. And having transferable skills and knowledge, which can be ascertained by passing the GED exam, ensures that the economy as a whole can prosper and flourish, which in turn leads to more projects for Phaze Concrete. Thus, by investing in others, they are investing in themselves as well.
Phaze Concrete employees are expected to be dedicated to lifelong learning, but they are strongly supported by the company in this. This helps the employees build long and prosperous careers within the industry itself, while at the same time having a better quality of life for them and their family. This unique commitment is something that has set the company apart from other construction companies, and it is something that has allowed them to earn the trust and respect of people across the industry and even the country.
Source: Phaze Concrete