Not Quite Gambling: Yehuda Belsky Discusses the Realities of Binary Options Trading

​The world of binary option trading is notoriously fickle, and it’s not unusual to hear stories about wide-eyed newbies having their dreams chewed, spat out, and how they should have stuck with a method of trading that was a little more conventional. But for Yehuda Belsky, a seasoned trader based in the Greater New York Area, it’s a way to kickstart the next chapter of the lives of those he’s helped. Recently, Belsky has produced a model to try to curtail the level of risk involved.

“Being able to help someone put their child through college, or retire somewhere nice, is so incredibly rewarding,” says Yehuda Belsky, the derivatives trader who first cut his teeth in the industry at Amex back in 1995 before setting out on his own path.

"I have worked in the world of trading for many years, and I have always found it far too exclusive. Hence, I have recently started to focus more on educating regular individuals who want to make trades to build up their own nest eggs."

Yehuda Belsky

For more than two decades, he has been fortunate enough to gain experience from a comprehensive career path which includes five years as a Hedge Fund Owner and Operator at Innovative Capital (between 2003 and 2008), as well as just shy of five years at Y Trading, LLC where he currently works as the Head of Derivatives Trading.

“I have worked in the world of trading for many years, and I have always found it far too exclusive. Hence, I have recently started to focus more on educating regular individuals who want to make trades to build up their own nest eggs.”

It’s a sentiment you’ll hear from traders across the world; not only is it good for them to increase profits from their dealings, but it only makes sense that they want the people who rely on their expertise to be as happy as possible with their takings.

However, Yehuda Belsky's methods are somewhat less traditional than others. In fact, it’s probably fair to say that the vast majority of his contemporaries and peers perform trades based on options or derivatives; the former being based on providing a contract (the value of which is linked directly to the value of something else) which grants the right to buy or sell, and the latter involving producing a contract between the buyer and seller with the terms of said contract being decided based on the asset involved. Both are fairly standard as trading methods go.

Instead, Yehuda uses binary options trading. “Binary options are incredibly popular with everyday individuals, but they are also hugely risky,” he explains. “You basically have a chance of either making money, or losing it all.”

Essentially, traders involved in binary options will try to determine whether the price of an asset is set to rise or fall. If it rises, they’ll double their investment; however, if it falls, they’ll walk away with nothing. In fact, it’s generally regarded as an “all-or-nothing” system, and even more often compared to gambling.

It’s a difficult dragon to tame, and it’s not unusual for people to lose significant sums of money in systems like these. To try to curtail the level of risk involved, Belsky has been hard at work for years on his own method of preempting the results of asset fluctuations.

Specifically, he has produced what he calls the “Blended Model.” This complex bespoke calculation factors in numerous variables; things like the historical changes in an asset's value, market behavior strategies, betting model strategies, and indicators based on what’s being discussed in mainstream media, while also making considerations for innumerable other circumstances.

However, he’s quick to point out that there’s never a sure thing in binary options: “I have specialized a number of strategies in order to make sure trading in binary options is as risk-free as it can be, although I must state that there is always a lot of insecurity with these elements.”

Belsky has seen the best and the worst of trading; he’s worked on Wall Street and seen people make huge gains, but he was also in the industry when the 2008 financial crash happened. His involvement in binary options, he openly concedes, presents a risky prospect — however, those who benefit from his calculations being correct will likely fare far better than with “more secure” approaches to trading.

“There’s a lot of money in binary options — for users, brokers, and advertisers — so this won’t change overnight,” he adds. “Binary options trading is legitimate but incredibly risky. You’ve got to understand the industry and the risks involved — and you might be better served staying away entirely.”

Contact Information:
​Eric Blankenship

Source: Yehuda Belsky
