Huge Opportunity on the Horizon for AccuraScience

AccuraScience is a reasonably new company in bioinformatics, but it has already set itself apart as one of the leading ones in this emerging field. Bioinformatics is a science in which computer sciences and biological sciences are combined. There is a huge demand for this in today's modern world, particularly in the medical sciences, as the fields of genomics and biomedical research have advanced very rapidly. In a nutshell, the company performs analysis and interpretation of data, and they are quickly becoming a global player in this.

Because this field is becoming so important, and there are so few experienced bioinformatics companies out there, AccuraScience has set the standards for the industry as a whole. This has also attracted clients from various parts of the world, hailing from disciplines, such as high-throughput technology, genome sequencing, and other biomedical and biological academic backgrounds. Additionally, they have worked with biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

Why New Opportunities Abound

There have been a number of important developments in the world of scientific research, namely on laws surrounding employment opportunities for doctoral and graduate students in research. Due to these new regulations, it is unlikely that research projects will be able to attract as many graduates as they did in the past. At the same time, new outsourcing opportunities are emerging, which is specifically what AccuraScience is interested in. They are there to take on the data analysis tasks that can now no longer be performed through fellowships.

In the past, research labs would attract graduate and post-doctoral students to perform research, who would receive little to no financial reward for their work, as they did it as part of their studies. The compensation was in the fact that they had the opportunity to take part in advanced fields of research and training. The U.S. Department of Labor, however, implemented a new overtime rule, and this effectively put an end to research labs having access to what was essentially cheap labor. Additionally, the federal government has put cutoff points in place for stipends, which also have to be adhered to. One AccuraScience client, for instance, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has set a stipend payment of $47,484, just slightly above the $47,476 cutoff imposed by the government.

Generally speaking, researchers will complete far more than 40 hours per week on research, but there simply is no more money to pay for that, since research grants have not increased as well. The result is that bioinformatics and biotechnology fields are suffering, as they can no longer attract the same number of researchers. To address this, the National Relations Board has ensured teaching assistants and researchers can be unionized, although this will likely lead to further demands of higher salaries.

Data Analysis Jobs Outsourced to AccuraScience

AccuraScience aims to address the above problem by enabling labs to outsource the data analysis elements of their research tasks in a cost-effective manner. In so doing, they ensure that research can continue by enabling fellows to concentrate on the actual work. Indeed, the fact that this company is able to deliver such high-quality work in such a cost-effective manner, is one of the key reasons why the company is growing so rapidly and setting the standards for the industry as a whole.

Other advantages that AccuraScience is offering is that, combined, their staff members offer a total of some 150 years of experience in this field. Together, they have extensive knowledge about computers and biology, and the company only recruits top-level talents. Through their work, they have been able to deliver solutions in the field of bioinformatics across a range of issues, and they have worked with more than 60 different companies, all of which have been pleased with the results. They focus not just on cost-effectiveness, but also on delivering the highest possible quality work, including in grant writing and paper reviews, something that researchers the world over respect them for.

It is, therefore, no surprise that with so many new opportunities and such fantastic advantages, AccuraScience is becoming a leader in the field. They have clients from all over the world, some of which are names known by everybody, including Monsanto, the Mayo Clinic, and Johnson & Johnson. Indeed, their clientele list spans the gamut of organizations that have a need for bioinformatics knowledge, including the pharmaceutical industry and the tech industry. More than anything, however, it is obvious that they are making a global impact, something that citizens and businesses alike across all continents can benefit from. This includes tomorrow's researchers, who once again have the opportunity to do their job.

Source: AccuraScience
