Erik Agazim Uses Personal Experience to Help Educate Others on Healthy Lifestyle

Erik Agazim, Erik Agazim Miami, Erik Agazim Florida

Erik Agazim is ready to move forward in his career path of a cardiovascular doctor. Curiosity ended up being the main reason why Agazim decided to make it his specialty. He desired to help others, and that led to him devoting his studies to the field.

Agazim was a young teenager when his father was diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart disease. Like many other Americans who suffer the same illness, his father was feeling the effects of the complications that kill millions of people every year. Good news for his father and those people suffering from these diseases is that they can be treated if found early.

Eating Healthy Is Major Factor

A significant factor that Erik Agazim discovered while in his cardiovascular studies is how well the person eats. Their lifestyle determines whether they are going to end up in the emergency room or not.

“Medical professionals are excited that new techniques that treat heart disease are being discovered," explains Agazim. "Also when a new form of medication is proven to be effective, the truth of the matter is that we, as professionals, become so absorbed in ways to treat this disease that we completely disregard how easily this can be prevented."

Erik Agazim goes on to share some eye-opening statistics about diseases.

"Almost 80 percent of these cases are not a result of genes handed down in families that cause heart disease," states Agazim. "They are the ultimate result of poor eating, untreated stress, and inactive habits.”

Erik Agazim is exceptionally proud of the medical community for the vast number of discoveries that led to saving so many lives of patients suffering all over the world.

At the same time, Agazim cannot stop thinking about the costs and discomfort of these diseases.

Sharing Experiences With The Disease

Erik Agazim is quick to share the experiences his father suffered years ago.

“I distinctly remember when my father came home after his first trip to a cardiologist, the only change he made to his diet was ditching red wine and salt," Agazim says.

"The medical doctors back in the day barely mentioned anything about a diet or how various forms of exercises can help patients who have cardiovascular problems. My father was dependent on the medication, and if he skipped just one dose, his dizziness would come back."

Importance Of Balancing Carbohydrates

First, Erik Agazim speaks highly about the importance of balancing some carbohydrates that people put inside their bodies. "We've been told for four decades that eating high amounts of carbs, and low amounts of fat were okay to consume," explains Agazim. "There is a major problem with this approach. It is actually carbs that are high in sugars, and the average male only needs around 100 grams, if they are active. Numerous studies show that the average adult eats around 400 grams of carbs. Which is an outrageous number!"

He truly believes in the importance of educating patients on matters such as a correct diet, exercising, and detecting illnesses. As a result, not doing these could lead to more significant problems down the road.

For more information on leading a healthy lifestyle, Agazim recommends reading one of his current favorite articles.

Source: Web Presence, LLC


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