EastVale, CA, May 22, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Successful entrepreneur and investor Jeffery David Whippo visited Boston this weekend to co-run the 8th annual “Pet Rescue of Boston” event with several other high-profile entrepreneurs. The event, founded in 2009, focuses on collaborating with no kill shelters to find homes for as many animals as possible. “Once kill shelters fill up, it’s extremely difficult for them to bring in more animals. The result, unfortunately, is that a lot of animals are turned away and may not survive.” says Whippo. “Our goal is to hold these events to find homes for any of the animals currently residing in the no-kill shelters, which means they can stay open to bring in as many new animals as they need.”
“Several communities in Boston have voiced their concern with the amount of stray animals in some of the surrounding neighborhoods for some time now” says Jim Willis, who has lived on the outskirts of Boston his entire life. “You run the risk of the animals causing accidents by running in the streets, potentially biting people, spreading disease, etc., so to be able to greatly reduce the amount of strays roaming the streets goes a long way in my book” Jeffery David Whippo says.
"It's going to be a fun event for the whole family, and who knows, maybe that family can have another member by the time they leave."
Jeffery David Whippo
The event, being held now for its 8th year has drawn large crowds in past years and promises once again to be a big hit. “We’re pulling out all the stops this year.” says Jeffery. “Raffle prizes, live music, great food, it’s going to be a fun event for the whole family, and who knows, maybe that family can have another member by the time they leave.”
When asked about his deep involvement with the event, Jeffery had to say" It's a lot of work, I understand that. But I always bring my son so he can see what it's all about and the reason why we put so much time into these events. At the same time, we always make time to go to a few Red Sox games together, which totally makes it all worth it."
Source: Jeffery David Whippo