Dr. Ray Faderani Boosts Short Recovery Time Associated With Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries

Dr. Ray Faderani, Dr. Ray Faderani Greenacres, Dr. Ray Faderani Florida

There is one question that patients always ask Dr. Ray Faderani when it comes to minimally invasive spine surgery. That inquiry is: “How long will I be able to go back to work or resume daily activities?”

It’s an understandable concern by patients as many have jobs, necessary plans, and daily lives. They would prefer not to interrupt these activities for a surgical procedure.

Every situation is unique and demands certain diagnosis.

Dr. Ray Faderani

However, these same patients are experiencing great plan when performing daily tasks or their job. While battling back, neck, or spinal issues, surgery sometimes becomes a last resort.

“Lots of patients try to cope with these injuries the best they can before deciding on surgery,” says Dr. Faderani. “Patients assume any surgery will require significant time away from a job or daily life. That is not the case anymore.”

When patients do decide on surgery, they are shocked to hear about the quick recovery time associated with minimally invasive spine surgery. Also, after hearing more of the benefits of the operation, patients quickly decide this is best for them.

“The biggest benefit of minimally invasive spine surgery is the shortened recovery time when compared to conventional surgical operations,” explains Dr. Faderani.

Returning Home Quicker With Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries

According to Dr. Faderani, a patient can usually expect to return home in two to three days. The exact length of time needed in hospital care varies with each patient and individual procedure.

Not only does recovery time reduce with these producers, but the pain is too. Because these invasive techniques do not disrupt soft tissues and muscles, post-operative pain is less than traditional, open procedures.

“Patients should still expect some discomfort,” adds Dr. Faderani. “However, advancements in pain control now make it easier to manage and relieve pain.”

Hospital Bills Reduced Because of Shorter Stays

With a short recovery time associated with minimally invasive spine surgeries, it means lower costs. Hospital stays are shorter, which means cheaper hospital bills.

The most important benefit, as stated above, is getting back to work quickly. A cheaper hospital bill combined with getting back to work fast means more money saved.

Dr. Faderani warns that getting back to work fast sometimes can be determined on the job. For example, a person working in an office can get back to work quickly. But someone who works construction might have to wait longer to get back on the job.

“Every situation is unique and demands certain diagnosis,” Dr. Faderani says. “But overall, no matter what the job is, a person can expect to get back to work faster than traditional operations.”

Another notable aspect of minimally invasive spine surgeries is how small the incisions are. Before, operations required substantial cuts that took weeks to heal.

Today, minimally invasive spine surgery requires only a small incision while using highly specialized tools. These tools allow surgeons to navigate the issue without cutting any of the surrounding muscle or tissue.

Because of this advancement, less trauma occurs to the patient and the affected area. This improvement of technology also means less blood loss and less chance of an infection.

“Surgery can be such a scary word for many people,” Dr. Faderani explains. “But once they hear the benefits and how it isn’t as scary as past operations, you see the relief on their faces.”

Because of these benefits of speedier pain relief and a drastically reduced recovery time, patients decide with confidence.

“Once a doctor lays out the benefits, it’s almost a no-brainer for patients,” says Dr. Faderani. “The use of traditional spine surgeries are becoming less of the norm, which is a great thing.”

Returning to work and daily life activities in short periods of time are happening all across the country because of minimally invasive spine surgeries. Patients are gaining back their lives, pain-free.

Source: Web Presence, LLC
