David Feldman Using Successful Track Record Background to Advise Top Companies

David Feldman has a track record of turning companies that were losing money into a profitable company. After over eight years as the CEO of Katy Industries, which saw him improve Katy’s earnings more than $20 million and bring them to profitability, he’s advising some of the more up and coming companies around the country.

Feldman’s success is based on smart, strategic decisions about brand and acquisitions, and with that success, he’s developed a knack for advising companies down the path to success and profit.

Earlier this year he joined Thayer-Carver, Inc (TCI) as an industry advisor. The company provides transaction advisory and management consulting services for startups and expansion stage businesses. TCI partners with their clients to develop and implement solutions to fit today’s operational and financial challenges.

TCI also has specialized in securing early stage, conventional and non-conventional financing for key projects and initiatives.  TCI’s clients range from startup companies to large, public enterprises.

Some of the elements to the success of TCI are broken down into a few important strategic services. One is capital structure advisory; TCI specializes in special situations including minority stakes when existing owners and management teams do not wish to give up control. TCI has years of experience partnering with clients to develop the best capital structure to achieve their short, mid and long-term goals.

Another key element of TCI is government financing. TCI works to leverage federal, state, and local government grant and loan programs for capital. TCI helps to identify the right program for their client to grow.

This opportunity for David Feldman to advise TCI led to becoming an initial advisor for Collider Tech.

Collider Tech is an early stage technology company with an innovative 3D printer/injection molding machine that allows for the utilization of multiple material types ranging from polyurethanes to metals. Feldman helped develop the successful presentation at Tech Crunch in New York City that earned the organization second place among the startups.

At that key presentation at Tech Crunch and under the advisement of David Feldman, Collider Tech was able to show key investors and the world their promise to have the ability to handle multiple materials with one machine, structural integrity on par with injection molding processes, and a smooth aesthetic.

The company is a world leader in product innovation and designing and developing technologies that advance and simplify the process of making things. They believe a better future contains the global human right to more creative access; one where your ideas, products, and solutions can collide with the world faster.

Collider Tech was also chosen to take part in Techstars Atlanta, an acclaimed “accelerator” program for budding businesses.

Based in Chattanooga, Tennessee with five full-time employees, Collider aims to lease its printers to service bureaus and small regional manufacturers, labs or rapid prototype shops.

David Feldman has also started DJF Enterprises, LLC, which is a management consulting, investment organization. He is focused on industrial businesses, especially in the electrical and plastic molding industries.

Press Contact: Eric Blankenship 786-332-6554

Source: DJF Enterprises, LLC
