Coralville, Iowa Resident David Chasse Has Demo Videos Available for Potential Customers of the Birthday Company

David Chasse, David Chasse Coralville, David Chasse Iowa

​When signing up for services with a company, sometimes it can become confusing with specific details. But one company eliminated the need for confusion by producing demo videos for potential customers signing up. Coralville, Iowa resident David Chasse launched these demo videos with his business, The Birthday Company.

These demo videos take users through the process of setting up an account with The Birthday Company. David Chasse made sure the videos were straight to the point and offered every answer to potential questions a customer might have.

While these videos are essential to the customer relationship, they eliminate a sometimes necessary step.

"We hope the videos answers every possible question when signing up with our company," says Chasse. "But we hope to eliminate the need for customers to call customer service on a daily basis with questions. We love our clients, but we want to spend more time catering to their want of products rather than be on the phone."

Also, customers can sign up during the night when customer service is not available. They can watch the videos associated with the screen they are on and have any question answered.

Some of the subjects covered in these videos are creating an account, uploading a database of dates and addresses, and setting a budget. Among other features, the videos will instruct users how to send individual occasion greetings and edit their account holder information.

"Every base has become covered in our demo videos," says David Chasse. "Every step of the method for new and current clients and questions associated with these steps are in the videos. It's an exciting time for our company."

But why would a business sign up for Chasse's The Birthday Company? The answer is simple. Customer retention.

Maintaining a positive relationship with current clients has become essential to a thriving business. That's why Chasse made it his business in helping large and small companies show appreciation to existing clients.

Also, studies have shown it's cheaper to concentrate on keeping current clients than it is to gain new ones. Showing appreciation to clients can go a long way in keeping a growing relationship between both parties.

Customer Retention Extremely Important In Today's Economy Climate

"A customer receiving a personalized birthday or holiday card can mean keeping their business for many years," adds Chasse. "We provide this service along with gifts and other forms of appreciation."

You don't have to take Chasse's word for it. Watching an introductory video provides all the insight a prospective client could want.

"A client could become confused with how our reminder system operates," adds Chasse. "Instead of sitting on the phone for minutes and not understanding exactly how it works, they can watch a video. That video provides instruction on how to set the system and gives on-screen instructions. It's win-win for each side."

The reminder system allows the company to set a date to email them when an upcoming occasion is approaching. Then, the company can set the budget for that occasion and pick a card or gift to send out. Once established, the work on their end is complete. That's when Chasse gets started.

Another significant aspect of The Birthday Company has been their high-resolution image that holds the client's signature. No more sending gifts and cards for a company to sign and send back. Sometimes this process took days, and the cost was overwhelming. Also, if a company was late with returning the package to Chasse, the date had already passed.

"Understanding all the different aspects of our company is explained in our videos," says Chasse. "We hope our videos eliminate a headache and confusion. So far, companies have loved them."

To learn more about the Birthday Company, please visit their website here.

Media Contact:
​Eric Blankenship

Source: Web Presence, LLC


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