All Around Athlete Jeffery David Whippo Prepares to Graduate

Whether it is boxing, racing down a swim lane, or bouncing about on a trampoline, Orange County high school senior Jeffery David Whippo can do it because he is a true all-around athlete. In fact, there are few people, particularly of his age, who perform so well in so many sports. Now, this all-around athlete is preparing for graduation.

In swimming, Jeffery David Whippo has been able to qualify for three different regional events. Those include the 50-yard, 100-yard, and 200-yard freestyle. His swimming coach, Graham Long, believes that Jeffery Whippo has some excellent chances in those events, potentially even reaching the finals.

However, it seems that his true passion lies not in swimming, trampolining, boxing, or football, but rather in wrestling. In fact, he feels that his proficiency in wrestling is what has made him such a good athlete in all the other sports as well. He was just eight years old when he first started wrestling, growing up around it. His father was a wrestler himself, and he really pushed his son toward the same sport. Furthermore, Jeffery Whippo feels that the skills he learned in wrestling made football a very natural choice for a second sport.

He says: "It was my father who first suggested that I should also start football. I was, and still am, a proper daddy's boy, so when he said I should try football, I immediately did. I was 10 when I joined a team, only about a year after I had joined a wrestling team. And my dad was right: There is a lot of overlap in terms of the physical skills needed to perform well in those two sports."

Jeffery David Whippo, who is now somewhat of a local celebrity, felt that the spring and summer months were always problematic, because there would be no football or wrestling tournaments. As a result, staying in shape was quite difficult. Hence, he decided to also join the trampolining team and the swimming team, something he started in his sophomore year.

Graham Long says: "The thing about Jeffery David Whippo is that he sees swimming as a sport to properly condition himself and his physique. It just so happens that he is also incredibly good at it. By swimming, he stays fit and healthy, but he also improves his breathing and becomes more flexible. All those things are very important in all of his other sports. But I have to admit that even I was surprised at just how many sports he can play!"

All of Jeffery Whippo's coaches agree that he is truly an exceptional athlete. He is respected for his 100% commitment to every sport he plays, taking all of them seriously and giving it his all. They all enjoy coaching him, particularly because he does all that is asked of him. Long adds: "He really does a great job. I'll be sad to see him go after his graduation!"

Besides swimming, Jeffery David Whippo also recently become involved in his school's Night of Fights, where he won the main event. He had expected to make it to the top of the event, but he did not expect to win the entire thing. He says: "I really liked doing Night of Fights. The fact that it involves a sport is, obviously great, but you can only take part if you also help to organize the event. Hence, I had to do fundraising, marketing, advertising, and essentially getting a buzz for the event. And then I had to train as well, of course! It was a manic few weeks, but I really enjoyed it."

During the Night of Fights, Jeffery Whippo won the first round, because his opponent had to forfeit. He took a punch to the face, which may have broken his braces. However, the contestant admitted he was unsure about being able to win it anyway.

Jeffery Whippo is looking forward to his graduation, but he is a little apprehensive as well. He has attended the same school for over a decade now, so a big change is on the cards. He has been offered a full scholarship at a university in Colorado, which means he will have to move out and become independent. He has already signed up for the wrestling and swimming teams there, and is looking into whether he will have the time to do more. Interestingly, his degree will focus not on anything to do with athleticism. Rather, he aims to study culinary arts.

Jeffery Whippo mainly wants to thank his father for his continued support, and for his continued drive to make him partake in sports. According to Jeffery Whippo, he would never have played that many sports had it not been for the inspiration provided by his father.

Source: Jeffery David Whippo
